Blogger Spotlight with Smart & Savvy with Stephanie

Today we are hanging out with Smart & Savvy with Stephanie. Lets find out more about about her shall we??



I’m an avid reader, love photography, love to travel. When I’m not working or online, you can usually find me curled up with a good book or watching an episode of FRIENDS or GREY’S ANATOMY for the 100th time (sometimes both LOL).


So Stephanie, why did you decided to start blogging?

I’ve always been a reader for as long as I can remember. I started reading Harlequins around junior high when my grandma started sending them to me. After that I was hooked. Over the last couple of years, I’ve had opportunities to attend several book signings and start to meet these authors that I love who write these amazing books. I decided to start blogging last July because I wanted to be able to do something more to help support and promote my favorite authors besides just buying the book.

So lady, what sets your blog apart from all the rest?

My tag line is “Books, life and more…” because while it’s mostly about books and promoting authors I wanted to also be able to talk about and share not only that, but also my experiences and photographs when I travel and things like that.

I also choose not to use a rating system for my reviews because I personally don’t believe in them. Everyone has their own opinions and feelings about what constitutes a 3 or 5 star rating. What one person considers a 5 star, I might consider it a 3 or vice versa. I’ve seen it among friends where I might absolutely love a book and my friend will be like it was okay or I hated it. You’ll get exactly what I thought of the book. It might be a long, gushing post or it might be short and sweet.

That is awesome! Obviously, you love to blog …so what is your favorite part about it?

I really enjoy being able to share my feelings about a certain book I’ve read or being able to share a favorite author with others. If it gets someone interested enough to pick up the book, or look into the author, it makes me happy.

What genre of book is your favorite and why?

Definitely romance. There’s just something that I love about finding love, keeping love and finding happily ever after. Within the romance genre, I enjoy a variety of types – contemporary, romantic suspense, new adult, etc. Basically, if I read a teaser and it captures my interest, I will want to look into finding more about the book. That’s how I started reading the new adult genre. A friend posted one line from it and I immediately had to find out what book it was from and had to pick it up.

So here is the hard question….what are your top three books of all time?

This is a tough question to answer. I get told that all the time when I ask it for interviews, so now I know how the authors feel. LOL When you’ve been a reader for pretty much forever, it’s really hard to narrow it down. Growing up, I loved Anne of Green Gables. The Princess Bride is another on that stands out because I can remember it being one of the first ones to make me laugh out loud. I love pretty much anything by Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb and I will either read them the day they come out, or save them until I have two or three and then have a reading binge on them. Of books I’ve read recently, Forgiving Lies by Molly McAdams and Katy Evans’ REAL series rank right up at the top. I really could go on and on, but I’ll stop. 😀

I am pretty sure no one can name just three!! lol….alright lets try again….This time tell me who your favorite book boyfriend is?

Ummm, all of them? Kash from Forgiving Lies and Remy from REAL both tie at the top of my list followed very closely by several others.

Well that was close to one 😉 lol So, besides me, lol just kidding, are there any new authors that have grasped your interest recently and why?

Harper Sloan is one. I have her books, but haven’t had a chance to read them. I’ve been intrigued by her gold glitter posts on Facebook and I’m looking forward to finding out the deal with it. K Bromberg is another one because I’m told book 2 in her series has a wicked cliffhanger but that I will love the series. When a friend tells me that, it always compels me to find out why. There are just so many, but those are the two that pop into my mind right now.

So my final question is what is your current read, your last read and the book you’ll read next?

Last Read: After The Storm by Maya Banks

Current Read: Falling For Her Soldier by Ophelia London, Wrecked by Priscilla West and Knight & Day by Kitty French (I don’t normally read three books at one time unless I read something about a book and it makes me not want to wait to start it. LOL)

Next Read: It will either be Consumed by Emily Snow, Loving Cara by Kristen Proby or Cherished by Kelly Elliott.

Well thanks so much Stephanie for stopping by and answering my questions today!! If you all liked Stephanie and want to follow her check out the link below!

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Blogger Spotlight with NWA Gossip Girl

Today our blogger spotlight is with NWA Gossip Girl!!


So how many bloggers do you have over at NWA and can you tell us why you decided to start blogging??

It’s just me right now, although I’m seriously considering adding more people! I love reading and celeb gossiping and wanted a way to combine my love of both so I started NWA.

So what sets you apart from the rest of the blogs our there and what is your favorite part about blogging??

I sprinkle in pop culture and celebrity gossip on my blog. I’ve had the chance to meet so many people, I never knew how large the book blogging community is! I also love being able to say what I want, because it’s my blog so I’m the boss! 

We all love being the boss!! So what are your top three favorite books and who is your top book boyfriend?

This is hard, there are so many and I change the order around a lot, but if I have to pick 1. Twilight Stephanie Meyer 2. Men Cry in the Dark by Michael Baisden 3. Invisible Life by E. Lynn Harris. My favorite Book boyfriend is Remy from REAL by Katy Evans (LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!)

Oh yes Remy is very alpha male, and I love the Alpha’s! So what is your favorite Genre and why??

Contemporary Romance. It’s the closest to real life drama to me.

So with so many new authors out there which ones have grabbed your attention lately??

Another hard one, I’ve “met” so many authors and they have all been AMAZING! Right now, I’m crushing on Phoenix Rayne. I read her book Heels of Love and I really loved it! The story of Jyme and Cricket captured me from the beginning! Their story is one that reminds us that love is not all hearts and rainbows, it can be hard and I can appreciate when characters grow and really fight for love! I also like C.E. Wilson, she has a series of modern day Shakespeare tales, I read Much Ado About Nothing and really liked it, it was a refreshing YA read, and she recently released a modern day version of Othello!

Okay lady so my final question is…what is your current read and the book you’ll read next?

My current read is Passion After Dark by J.A. Melville and after that I’ll read Life’s A Capella by Yessi Smith.

Well thanks so much for stopping by and chatting with me! I really appreciate it!

To follow NWA Gossip Girl check out the links below!!
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: Facebook:

Twitter: @NWAgossipgirl

Instagram: @nwagossipgirl

Goodreads: Jaclyn House


Blogger Spotlight with Book Babes Unite

Today we are hanging out with the Book Babes Unite Blog!!!! Let’s learn a little more about them shall we?


Let’s start out by learning a little bit about the bloggers at BBU! I know there are two of you so why don’t you go ahead and introduce yourselves?

My name is Christy and I am half of the ‘Book Babes’. I am an avid reader or ‘reading addict’ as my family likes to say. I usually read at least a book a day and will read about anything! My favorite’s are the dark and twisted reads, but I love contemporary romance, ya/na, indie and erotica. In ‘real life’, I am a nurse, and I’ve been married to my husband Josh for seven years.

My name is Reanell and I am the other half of Book Babes. I am also a reading addict! I have 3 children and have been with my fiancé for over 14 years. I manage a gas station as my full time job and we have a small business of our own called Custom Power Sports.

So how did you ladies meet and why did you decide to start blogging?

Reanell – Christy and I met in Dayton at the Jamie McGuire author signing and we connected through our love of books. We started talking online and would recommend books to each other. We read and reviewed books all the time anyway and I asked Christy if she wanted to start a blog with me since we already did most of the work, and she said yes and the rest is history.

Christy – I love to read and want to share great books with others. I already read and reviewed books on goodreads, and when my blogging partner asked if I wanted to co-blog with her I thought it sounded like a great idea!

That is awesome! So everyone wants to know what makes your blog so amazing and sets you apart from the rest of the blogs???

Reanell – Hmm what sets up apart from other blogs? I would say our love for making pic collages, especially Christy, that girl can make gorgeous collages! Her reviews are always amazing. She is the #2 best reviewer on Goodreads for a reason!

Christy – Also there are two of us, so there’s a great mix of books on our blogs. 

So your telling us that if you want to see amazing quote pics to go like your page!! lol Perfect! We all love a good, hot quote pic!
So tell me ladies what are some of your favorite part about blogging??

Reanell – I think I speak for us both when I say out favorite thing about blogging is helping Indie authors get their books out there. I especially love when I find that “gem” that I absolutely love and watch that author grow.

Well hopefully I will be one of those new “Gems” 😉 lol!
Back to the interview lol…..what is your favorite genre…I mean we all love romance but what genre inside that is your favorite to read?

Christy – I’m not sure if it’s a particular genre, but my favorite kind of book is a darker read. I especially like when the hero is broken or damaged. I just like to feel when I read and those books seem to play on my emotions the most.

Reanell – I have to agree with Christy on that one! We both love the dark reads!

Ohhh I agree I love the darker reads, they are my fav!! Alright now on to some harder questions!! What are your top three favorite books of all time??

Reanell – Oh man this one is hard! Okay #1. Left Drowning by Jessica Park. #2. Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire #3. Pieces For You(For You#2) by Genna Rulon

Christy – This is such a hard question! My favorite book of all time (I’ve probably read it close to 50 times over the past 10-15 years) is The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. #2- The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay, #3 The Tied Man by Tabitha McGowan.

So we all have that one book boyfriend that we consider our book “husband.” Who is yours?

Reanell – Griffin from Pieces For You by Genna Rulon

Christy – Knight from Kristen Ashley’s Knight. No competition. 

Being bloggers you are introduced to some amazing new authors, who are some new authors that have really grabbed your attention lately?

Reanell – For me it’s Genna Rulon. I had signed up with Literati Author Services for the blog tour of her 1st book called Only For You and I fell in love with her writing. I sent her an email and it started with “I think I love you” (she liked that message opener) She sent me an ARC of her 2nd book and I fell head over heels for the characters. She is very talented and I can’t wait to watch her career take off!

Christy – The first two that come to mind from 2013 are Jay McLean and J.A. Huss. Both of their books have been unique, refreshing and I love their writing styles. 

I will have to look into them then!! They all sound amazing! Alright we are almost done….but I have to know what books you ladies are reading now, what you just finished and what is next on your TBR??

Reanell – Current read: Manic: Rook and Ronin #2, last read was Surrender to Me by Ashley Piscitelli and my next read will be Love Memory Water by Jennie Shortridge

Christy – I just finished Brutally Beautiful by Christine Zolendez. It was fantastic- 5 stars! I’m currently reading Wildest Dreams, book one in Kristen Ashley’s Fantasyland series, and my next up is The Destiny of Luke and Violet by Jessica Sorensen

Well thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions ladies!! I really appreciate it! If you all liked Christy and Reanell go check them out on their blog Book Babes Unit!! All the links are below!!


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Blogger Spotlight with Eskimo Princess Book Reviews

So today on my blogger spotlight I will be taking with Alisa from Eskimo Princess Book Reviews!!!

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Welcome Alisa!! So let’s start out by finding out more about you! What can you tell us about yourself?

I am a stay at home mom of 4.  I have been reading since I could, I always have a book or my kindle with me.  I read practically all types of romance.  But no horror stories.


4 kiddos! Wow, I have two and want to pull my hair out! lol Since we know you don’t have that much free time with 4 kiddos, why did you decided to start blogging?

Well, I was reading so much and posting little reviews on Goodreads and Amazon but I wanted to share my love of books to more people.

That makes sense. I thinks that is how most bloggers get started. So what sets your blog apart from all the rest?

I like to be honest on my blog, if I don’t like a book I will still post my review there. No matter how bad the book was or even if I didn’t finish, I want others to know how I felt about the book.  I know other blogs only post about books they liked or loved.  That’s not me.

Well at least you are staying true to you! What is your favorite part about being a blogger?

Sharing books, covers and all the contest to other readers.  I love contest!!!

Ohhh me too! Especially when I win! (even though it never happens lol) Anyway, back to your blog…so what is your favorite genre??

Well, I had been reading just Historical romance for the past several years. But when I started my blog, I started reading Paranormal as well with YA and contemporary romance.  My favorite would have to be Historical Romance or PNR.

So you read everything! Just kidding! What are your three favorite books then?

I really can’t decide.  How about my 3 favorite series? 

Alright I guess you can cheat just this once!! lol

That would be the Harry Potter series,  Ruby Blue series by Julie Cassar and Coffin Girl series by Aneesa Price.

Good ole Harry Potter…..I have never read them nor have I seen the movies! I know, I know let the bashing start now! lol Okay on to more book related things.  So there are so many new authors out there…..have any of them grabbed your attention and who are they?

Julie Cassar and Aneesa Price.  They aren’t like brand new on the scene but they are still new only been out like a little over a year or so.  Kelley Gresalis is good too.

And for our final question what are you reading now, what did you read last and what is next in your TBR?

I am currently reading: A Dangerous Book for Demon Slayers by Angie Fox.  I just finished My Skater Boy by Kay Manis (hot) and next I think A Mate’s Bite by Milly Taiden.

Perfect! Well thanks so much Alisa for taking time out of your day to chat!! It has been fun getting to know you and your blog!!

If you all want to follow Alisa’s reviews then you need to check out the following links!!!
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Eskimo Princess Book Reviews




Blogger Spotlight with A Book Whores Obsession

My first blogger spotlight is with the AMAZING Blog……..A Book Whores Obsession!!!


So as some of you may know I co-run ABWO with my amazing partner in Crime Cara. So I won’t be answering any questions today but Cara will.

Okay Cara so how about you let everyone know who you are and who the rest of our amazing reviewers are….

Well everyone know who you are Kari but just so you all know…I am Cara. Kari’s other half in the blogging world.  We have gotten bigger and busier so decided to ask a few of our trusted reader friends to help us with some reviews – Heather Peiffer, Lara Petterson, and Karen Camp round out our team. We are really lucky to have them help us out and appreciate them so much!

Yes we are!!! Alright! So Cara why don’t you tell everyone why it is we started blogging in the first place…

We decided to start blogging because we didn’t see a book page that really focused on the book boyfriend – and that is our favorite part! LOL! Kari and I also co-run a page for Cam Gigandet as Travis Maddox (you should go like that page, by the way). One day, Kari sends me this message and says, ‘I want to start our own blog page for all book boyfriends, not just Travis. And you’re helping me.’ And voila – ABWO began!”

That was a great day!! lol! So, Cara, what is it that sets us apart from all of the other blogs out there??

Our blog is different for a few different reasons. First, we try to focus on the book boyfriend aspect of this book blog world. We cast real people as the book hotties we read about. Secondly, we have a lot of fan interaction on our page. We post lots of questions and help readers find a book they can’t recall or help them select a new book boyfriend.

The cast this hottie feature on our page has always been my favorite! I love seeing what the followers come up with!! 
So obviously romance is a big part of our blog (as it should be) but what other genres, if any, do we promote and review on the blog?

On ABWO we will review any book as long as there is a book boyfriend! Contemporary Romance is by far the most popular but we also review erotica, New Adult, some YA and every once in a while we will do some paranormal romance.

So some of my favorite books are, Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire, FSOG by EL James, and Hopeless by Colleen Hoover. So now that I have told you my favorite reads, Cara who are your three top book boyfriends.

My favorite top 3 are probably 1. Christian Grey 2. Travis Maddox 3. Gavin Blake/Colton Donavan/Jesse Ward. Yes – it’s a three way tie. Sue me. 😉

You are such a cheater!! lol but I love you!! But seriously if you had to name one Book Boyfriend that beats them all who is it and why??

Christian Grey will always be the ultimate book boyfriend. He was my first. He is the most alpha, the most thoughtful, the most sophisticated, flawed bad boy in the world. I don’t think anyone will ever take his place at the top. 

I think CG will be #1 in many women’s hearts for a very long time! But moving on… besides myself, (lol) who are some of your favorite up and coming authors?

I would have to say  Megan Noelle, Laurelin Paige, and RE Hunter! I love everything they write and I cannot wait to see what they all come up with next!

Well Cara thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me today! I love you to pieces….but before you go why don’t you tell everyone what it is you are reading now, what you just finished and what you plan on reading next?

Current Read – Undeniable by Madeline Sheehan. I know I’m soooo late to the party!

Last Read – Undone by RE Hunter! Cliffhanger to beat all hell, but so good. Luke Brody is amazing!

Next Read – Her Love Ran Crimson by Zoey Foster 

So there you go!! Cara and myself from ABWO blog!! You can find all of our contact info for the page below!!

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